

The Lady Moody – Van Sicklen House, 27 Gravesend Neck Road, Brooklyn, New York.

It took them half a century (plus two months), but today — at 10:19 a.m., to be precise! — the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) finally designated the Lady Moody – Van Sicklen House an official landmark. That means it cannot be altered or demolished without the permission of the LPC (click here for more about designation). That permission is granted only rarely, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

This great news has me feeling elated and exhausted and a million other things at once. I send my deepest gratitude to everyone who wrote to the LPC, or spoke at the hearing last fall, or just kept their fingers crossed and sent good thoughts for this magical outcome. I can’t imagine a Gravesend without this house. And now, thankfully, I don’t have to!

I’ll share the LPC’s detailed designation report as soon as it’s published.

Copyright © 2016 by Joseph Ditta (webmaster@gravesendgazette.com)


Filed under Lady Moody House

4 responses to “Hallelujah!

  1. Joseph, congratulations!! This is due mainly to your hard work and ceaseless devotion to this cause. I hope you are going to treat yourself to a nice lunch!!

  2. janice dougherty

    When the plaque is set, I hope to witness it, and hope all the papers and newsblogs do too.

  3. Mary Knuppe

    , when ever something can be saved from the wrecking ball that is a major gift that can be left for future generations. Congrads

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